shower for an hour
All Ways Plumbing recommends Bradford White White Water Heaters because of their excellent quality, (They are made in the USA!) and warranty.
Your water heater is important for keeping you comfortable and your home clean. While they are sturdy machines, problems can still come up. We step in to stop these issues before they become a bigger problem.
Make sure to look for these signs if you are concerned about your water heater:
Cold water
Colored water, like rust
Smells from your water heater, such as rotten eggs or sulfur
Noises from your heater, such as rumbling, popping, or high-pitched whine
Leaking water from the heater’s base
If your water heater shows multiple signs, call the experts at All Ways Plumbing right away to check if it should be replaced and avoid an emergency. On average, water heaters last six to twelve years. If your water heater is newer than that, it will most likely just need a quick repair from a professional. Getting these repairs quickly is important if you want to make your water heater last as long as possible. Call our Master Plumbers at All Ways Plumbing if you are concerned or have questions about your water heater. Today’s energy efficient water heaters save you money, have less impact on the environment and most models are eligible for utility provider rebates. Give us a call to find out what how much you can save.
“Had a pipe burst due to the extreme cold. All Ways Plumbing came out the same day, repaired the damage in record speed, and had us back up and running without issue that same evening. Very knowledgeable, courteous, and prompt.”